As opposed to digital prints, lino prints celebrate the long tradition of handmade editioned art that has been practiced for nearly two millennia. While woodblock printmaking goes back thousands of years, linocut was popularised by artists like Picasso in the early part of the 20th century because of the wider availability and softer texture of linoleum. Until recently all parts of my process were done by hand, from the original drawing, to the carving, and final printing, which was achieved by applying pressure to the back of the print with the use of a spoon (or my feet). I've finally got my hands on a giant press which has helped me enormously. In order to produce a work in multiple colours, separate blocks are often carved and printed for each hue. As a result creating a limited edition of colourful prints is quite time consuming and requires a great deal of patience. And while there are multiple prints created from the same plates, each one is truly an original work of art.